Joint NU/UIC/UofC algebra & geometry seminar

Welcome to our joint seminar between Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. Our goal is to create an informal online seminar that fosters the participation of early career mathematicians (especially graduate students) in algebraic geometry, commutative algebra and related areas. As such, we will try to invite speakers who are also early career mathematicians (but this will not always be the case). Additionally, we will attempt to strike a balance between talks in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. We hope that mathematicians from both groups (and related areas) will benefit from these interactions.

This will be a Zoom seminar, and to get access you have to be on our mailing list. A zoom link for each week's talk will be emailed to you along with the abstract on a weekly basis once you are on our list. To be added, please email any (or all) of the organizers:

Rankeya Datta: rankeya [at];

Antoni Rangachev: rangachev [at];

Charles Stibitz: charles.stibitz [at]

Our talks are tentatively scheduled for Wednesdays at 3:00pm CDT (GMT-5). The days and times may occasionally change when we have international speakers. If there is a change in day or time, it will be mentioned in a different color on the schedule below to make it more visible. Please check the time for each talk on this page or in the weekly email you will receive.

Preliminary Schedule (all times are in CDT):

May 13 3:00 pm Will Sawin Columbia Topological reconstruction theorems for varieties Slides
May 20 3:00 pm Linquan Ma Purdue Singularities in mixed characteristic Notes
May 27 3:00 pm Brooke Ullery Harvard Gonality of complete intersection curves Notes by request.
June 3 3:00 pm Takumi Murayama Princeton F-purity and Frobenius splitting do not coincide in rigid analytic geometry Notes
June 11 2:00 pm Isabel Vogt Stanford Stability of normal bundles of space curves Notes
June 17 3:00 pm Vaidehee Thatte Binghamton Arbitrary valuation rings and wild ramification Notes
June 24 3:00 pm Remy van Dobben de Bruyn IAS/Princeton Constructing varieties with prescribed Hodge numbers modulo m in characteristic p Notes
June 26 TBA Yves André IMJ-PRG (France) The special colloquium will be moved to a later date.
July 1 3:00 pm Eleonore Faber Leeds (U.K.) From rings of countable Cohen-Macaulay type to the infinite Grassmannian
July 8 3:00 pm John Lesieutre Penn State Pathologies of the volume function Slides
July 15 3:00pm Emily E. Witt Kansas  
July 22 3:00 pm Akhil Mathew Univ. of Chicago The arc-topology Notes
July 29 3:00 pm Jonathan Montaño New Mexico State When are multidegrees positive? Notes
Aug 7 3:00 pm Jake Levinson Washington/Simon Fraser A topological proof of the Shapiro-Shapiro conjecture Slides
Aug 12 3:00 pm Claudiu Raicu Notre Dame Equations and syzygies for varieties of binary forms Notes
Aug 19 3:00pm Bhargav Bhatt Michigan Vanishing theorems via p-adic Hodge theory


This page is currently maintained by Rankeya Datta.